李友平,工学博士,讲师,硕士生导师,必威betway手机官网青年卓越人才,青岛市“金种子”人才。2021年博士毕业于上海交通大学新能源动力研究所,师从林赫教授,主要从事车船动力燃料燃烧及污染物生成与控制研究。主持山东省自然科学基金、必威betway手机官网卓越人才项目、青岛市“金种子”人才项目等,目前已发表SCI论文10余篇,会议论文5篇。担任《Fuel》、《Fuel Processing Technology》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》等期刊审稿人,作为指导教师获中国研究生创新实践系列大赛国家级二等奖、三等奖。
[1] Yang Qirong, Yan Chenxuan, Mao rui, Ma Shuang,Li Youping*. Analysis of the effect of cooling rate on the solidification characteristics of solar salts. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023,429:139553.
[2]Li Youping, Zhang Yiran, Lin He.Acomparative study of the influence of ethanol and ammonia as fuel additives on PAH characteristics in a premixed ethylene flame.Journal of the Energy Institute, 2022,101:56-66.
[3]Li Youping, Zhang Yiran, Zhan Reggie, Huang Zhen, Lin He. Effects of ammonia addition on PAH formation in laminar premixed ethylene flames based on laser-induced fluorescence measurement. Energy 2020,213:118868.
[4]Li Youping, Zhang Yiran, Zhan Reggie, Huang Zhen, Lin He. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of ammonia addition on PAH characteristics in premixed n-heptane flames. Fuel Processing Technology 2021,214:106682.
[5]Li Youping, Zhang Yiran, Zhan Reggie, Huang Zhen, Lin He. Study of PAH formation in laminar premixed toluene and C8H10 aromatics flames. Fuel 2020,275:117774.
[6] Zhang Yiran,Li Youping, Liu Peng, Zhan Reggie, Huang Zhen, Lin He. Investigation on the chemical effects of dimethyl ether and ethanol additions on PAH formation in laminar premixed ethylene flames. Fuel 2019,256:115809.
[7] Zhang Yiran,Li Youping, Wang Lijun, Liu Peng, Zhan Reggie, Huang Zhen, Lin He. Investigation on the LIF spectrum superposition of gas-phase PAH mixtures at elevated temperatures: potential for the analysis of PAH LIF spectra in sooting flames. Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 2019,125(5):72.
[8] Zhang Yiran, Xiao Bang,Li Youping, Zhan Reggie, Huang Zhen, Lin He. LIF diagnostics for selective and quantitative measurement of PAHs in laminar premixed flames. Combustion and Flame 2020,222:5-17.
[9] Zhang Yiran, Jiao Anqi,Li Youping, Zhan Reggie, Huang Zhen, Lin He. Chemical effects of anisole and toluene addition to n‑heptane on PAH characteristics in laminar premixed flames by LIF measurement and kinetic model. Fuel 2021,303:121255.