Dr. Pengfei Zhang, Ph.D., Professor in School of Electro-mechanical Engineering.
张鹏飞,博士、教授、硕士生导师。获得海外硕士、博士学位,完成博士后研究,曾担任美国高校助理教授(Assistant Professor)、博士生导师。中国机械工程学会会员,中国复合材料学会会员,中国复合材料学会青年工作委员会委员。研究工作主要以材料、力学、加工等多学科交叉为主要手段,开展功能复合材料与结构在工程科学方面的交叉学科基础研究,包括基于形状记忆材料的自愈合复合材料合成与成形方法,形状记忆材料的结构松弛行为建模,热固性复合材料的绿色制造,轻质复合材料的增材制造方法等。通过结合实验表征技术与材料力学行为的分析,发展并加深对功能复合材料性能的基础理解,从而对开发功能材料和材料加工提供方法理论支持。相关成果在学术期刊上发表论文50余篇,参编英文著作两部,已公开专利申请6项,授权专利1项。
Dr. Zhang has obtained overseas master's and doctor's degrees and completed postdoctor. He has served as assistant professor at University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Member of China Society of Mechanical Engineering (CSME), member of China Society of Composite Material (CSCM), and member of CSCM Youth Committee. Dr. Zhang is leading a group mainly on the inter-disciplinary research in various fields where advanced and multifunctional composite materials have critical applications. His research focuses on understanding the fundamental knowledge of self-healable composite materials, shape memory polymeric materials, as well as advanced composite material and its processing technologies.
1. 功能型(自愈合/形状记忆/高性能)聚合物材料与复合
2. 结构与性能分析
3. 聚合物材料增材制造
Areas of Research Interest
(1) Multifunctional (Self-healing/ Shape Memory) Polymeric Materials & Processing
(2) Structure-Performance Relationship & Analysis
(3) Additive Manufacturing of Composite Materials
1. 必威betway手机官网高层次引进人才科研启动项目
2. 山东省自然科学基金项目
3. 山东省教育厅青年创新团队建设项目
Journal Articles Since 2018
(1) X. Wang, M. Akobi#, P. Nikaeen, A. Khattab, T. He, J. Li, P. Zhang. Modeling and statistical understanding: the effect of CNT on mechanical properties of recycled polycaprolactone/epoxy composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020, DOI: 10.1002/app.****0748.
(2) H. Li, W. Song, X. Cui, Y. Li, B. Hou, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, L. Cheng, P. Zhang, J. Li. AglnS2 and graphene co-sensitized TiO2 photoanodes for photocathodic protection of Q235 carbon steel under visible light. Nanotechnology 2020, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/124693
(3) B. Hussey, P. Nikaeen, M.D. Dixon, M. Akobi, A. Khattab, L. Cheng, Z. Wang, J. Li, T. He, P. Zhang. Light-weight/Defect-tolerant topologically self-interlocking polymeric structure by fused deposition modeling. Composites Part B: Engineering 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2019.107700
(4) Y. Wu, Z. Li, J. Fan, L. Wang, P. Zhang, W. Shou, Y. Liu. Enhanced Jet Number and Fiber Uniformity in Multi-spinneret Electrospinning via Auxiliary Electrode. Fibers and Polymers 2019, 20:1172-1179
(5) J. Li, P. Zhang, L. Cheng, L. Wang, H. Li. Effect of Carbides on High-temperature Aging Embrittlement in 12%Cr Martensitic Heat-resistant Steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2019, 8(6): 5833-5846
(6) J Li, T He, P Zhang, L Cheng, L Wang. Effect of large-size carbides on the anisotropy of mechanical properties in 11Cr-3Co-3W martensitic heat-resistant steel for turbine high temperature blades in ultra-supercritical power plants. Materials Characterization 2019, 159: 110025
(7) J Li, T He, L Cheng, P Zhang, L Wang. Effect of precipitates on the hot embrittlement of 11Cr–3Co–3W martensitic heat resistant steel for turbine high temperature stage blades in ultra-supercritical power plants. Materials Science and Engineering: A 2019, 763: 138187
(8) P. Zhang, M. Akobi, A. Khattab. Recyclability/Malleability of Crack Healable Polymer Composites by Response Surface Methodology. Composites Part B: Engineering 2019, 168:129-139.
(9) J Li, L Cheng, P Zhang, L Wang, H Li. Effect of Delta Ferrites on the Anisotropy of Impact Toughness in Martensitic Heat-Resistant Steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmrt.2018.12.008
(10) P. Zhang, D.J. Arceneaux, Z. Liu, A. Khattab, G. Li. A crack healable syntactic foam reinforced by 3D printed healing-agent based honeycomb. Composites Part B: Engineering 2018, 151:25-34.
(11) L. Liu, H. Liang, J. Zhang, P. Zhang, Q. Lu, C. Zhang. PVA/Chitosan Composites: Physically Transient Materials for Sustainable and Transient Bioelectronics. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 195: 786-795
(12) P. Zhang, Z. Gao, Q. Zhang, A. Khattab, G. Li. Fracture Behavior Characterization of Arcan Polycaprolactone based Polymer Composites Prepared by Polymerization Induced Phases Separation. Polymer Composites 2018. DOI: 10.1002/pc.24831
(13) W. Shou, P. Zhang, A. Khattab. Parametric Study of an Automated Nanoparticles Spray System for Nanofibers/Fabric Reinforced Composites. Polymer Composites 2018. DOI: 10.1002/pc.24797.
(14) P. Zhang, A. Khattab. Characteristics of Process-induced Properties in Carbon Nanofiber Aqueous Dispersion. Micro & Nano Letters 2018, 13:524-529.
1. 液压与气压传动(流体动力系统)
2. 工程流体力学
Teaching (Taught at QDU)
1. Fluid Power System
2. Engineering Fluid Mechanics
E-mail : pzhang@qdu.edu.cn